A new produce vendor and a surprise guest!

There are so many things to get excited about at this Saturday's market it's hard to know where to start. 

First: this is the LAST winter market of the season. Starting June 1st, we return to a weekly schedule and we open an hour earlier, at 8:30 a.m.

Many other markets in the area launch their summer season in early May. But it has always been the position of the Hastings Farmers Market that a summer market should look and feel flush with produce when it opens for the summer and since produce grows slowly in the spring in New York, it's best to patiently for things to grow in earnest before opening. 

This week, we bring you a new organic farm, Halal Pastures, based in the heart of Orange County's black dirt country, that will handily move us closer to that goal. 

You may have seen them at the Irvington Farmers Market where they made their debut in April. This 70-acre certified organic farm which grows over 400 varieties of organic produce, is a staple at the Union Square Market on Fridays where they have legions of fans of their specialty produce and their warm, family vibe. Please try their crunchy bright green radish and give them a typical, warm Hastings welcome. 

Though spring pickings are slimmer, you can rely on lots of tender spinach at the market as well as Swiss chard and watercress. Watercress soup is the perfect comfort food this time of year when we're yearning for greens but still need something to warm your belly. 

Or, you can also make peppery watercress pesto...the perfect pesto to make between ramp and basil season.

Or, this week, at least, you can buy basil pesto from one of our favorite past vendors paying us a visit: Buddhapesto returns for a pop-up visit. Remember their electric green pesto that catapulted a pedestrian pasta dinner to the stratosphere. I can only imagine it on any pasta from La Trafila.

Zane, who sells yogurt at the White Moustache tent, is the son of Maria and Gregor, who have been making pesto, and pesto alone, for 25 years. They used to sell it at our market years ago, when we were back at the Library parking lot, and then moved on as vendors sometimes do. But Zane has been talking the market up so much to his parents they asked if they could come for a visit. All I can say is: stock up! 

This is Homegrown Kitchen Garden's last visit at the market this season. If this is the year you are transforming your backyard to an edible garden let Nick help you with seedlings and encouraging words!

Some folks swear by Bloody Marys on a Sunday. If that is your brunch drink/habit of choice, you are serious about your mix. Just for you, we've invited Bloody Good Mud to join our market party. Mix with your favorite vodka and voila! (Springbrook Hollow Distilleries returns on June 1st) You'll have to wait for the return of Morgiewicz Producethis summer for that perfect celery stalk to gussy it up!

Of course rosy rhubarb is in the market house and if you think rhubarb is happiest in a pie crust, think again. Botanically speaking, rhubarb is a vegetable after all. Check out this stack of rhubarb from none other than Martha. 

Don't forget to bring your knives for sharpening! In fact, set them out right now!

See you at the market!

Fer Franco